Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Week at Big Picture Middle & High School 2011-2012

Hello Everyone,

This was a very exciting and eventful week for us here in Fresno.  We experienced a very smooth opening and with additional staff on our team we got off to a great start.

Our new team members consist of: Pam Lindegren & Nadia Rodriguez (Office Staff); Daryl Alexander,  Humberto Gomez, Herb Kendal, Elisha Lopez, Timothy Johnson (teachers); Lucy Piedra (Director of After School Programs) and her staff of four.

We set new highs for enrollment and attendance in Middle School & High School for the week.  We began Monday with our first new high of 142 students and by Friday we hit another new high of 151 students.  

This past Tuesday during my induction into the Cultural & Arts Rotary Club I was able to take Mariah Spenhoff and Terren Simpson (students) with me.  They got to meet a lot of new people, experience a Rotarian meeting and have, according to Terren, some fantastic chinese food.  The Rotarian Club is the only one of it's kind in the entire world.  They are very interested in working with us by assisting us with the garnering of additional instruments and possible future scholarships for our students.

On Wednesday evening at 5:30 pm our Parent Teacher Student Committee met for the first time and had their largest turnout of around 20 people.  At the meeting parents and leaders discussed the following fundraisers: our First Annual Car Show (October 15), the Tahoe Joe's Dinner (Sept. 14th) and  monthly bake sales.  

On Thursday, Timothy Johnson (Music Director) held a Pick-me-up with friends who performed an all school concert in our new patio area of the school. The energy and passion of these gentleman for music made a huge impact on our school.  Subsequently, that afternoon 23 students signed up for the After School guitar class to be taught by Tim.

On Friday all students made selections for their elective classes ranging from: music, art, technology, leadership and extra PE.

At our school site we are still in the makeover process.  We have been slowed by requirements of the City of Fresno and our new portables still have to be moved into place.  A neighbor across the street has begun the painting process of our school and will be done shortly.  Additional trees, flowers, plants and cement work must be completed.  There is a lot to do, but we continue to move forward.

Please forward this exciting information to all your social networks.  The more people know about our program the more families and students we will be able to assist.

Wishing everyone a great new school year!!!!


Jon F. Morse, Sr., M.A.
Executive Director
Big Picture High School-Fresno
cell: 559.908.1714

Saturday, August 6, 2011

ASES Grant

ASES Grant monies is commonly called After School money.  We have been granted around $88,000 for this year's After School Program.  On Thursday, August 11th from 9 am till 12 pm, each student will fill out an application for the After School Program and then pick up their class schedule for the new 2011-2012 school year.

On the first day of school each student will rotate to each After School Program being offered and then they can sign up for the classes they would like to have for the first quarter of the school year.

This will be an exciting new year with lots of choices for special programs that students will really enjoy taking.  Some of the classes that we are thinking about offering are: soccer, chorale (choir), guitar, robotics, hip hop, cheer, martial arts, and video name a few.

See you soon for a great year!!!


Jon F. Morse, Sr./Executive Director
Big Picture High School-Fresno
cell: 559.908.1714

Save Our BPHSF Blog to Your Mobile Phone!

You can now view our blog easily on your mobile phone and keep up to date on the latest information!
Big Picture Middle & High School - Fresno
1207 South Trinity Street  Fresno, California 93706
Office: 559.420.1234
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time. ~ T.S. Eliot

Check Out the Panther Pipeline!

Middle School Students!

Be sure to check out Mrs. R's Panther Pipeline for the latest middle school information!

Katrina D. Roubedeaux MEd
Big Picture Middle & High School - Fresno
1207 South Trinity Street Fresno, California 93706
Office: 559.420.1234
Class Website: Panther Pipeline

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time. ~ T.S. Eliot

Class Schedule Pick-up

Attention BPHSF Students:
Don't forget to pick up your 2011-2012 class schedule!
When:        Thursday, August 11, 2011
Time:          9:00am to 12:00pm
Location:    In the BPHSF Office
Applications for our new after school program will be available as well!
We can't wait to see you this year!
Katrina D. Roubedeaux MEd
Big Picture Middle & High School - Fresno
1207 South Trinity Street  Fresno, California 93706
Office: 559.420.1234
Class Website: Panther Pipeline
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time. ~ T.S. Eliot